Identity Theft is a real concern for me as it should be for you. Identity thieves have been hitting on two fronts: personally and through business. Businesses are now required to help stop Identity Theft by taking precautions. Below is information on Oregon's new Identity Theft Protection Law:
Effective October 1, 2007
Protecting Social Security Numbers - The law prohibits anyone who keeps Social Security numbers from printing them on any material that is mailed when the recipient has not requested it. The law also prohibits printing a Social Security number on a card used to access products or services, or publicly posting or displaying a Social Security number, such as on a Web site. Note: Please don't print Social Security numbers on paychecks!
Notification of Security Breach - Anyone who keeps personal identifying information about Oregonians must notify them if computer files containing that personal information have been subject to a security breach. The notification must be done as soon as possible -- unless it would impede a criminal investigation -- in writing, electronically, or by telephone.
Consumers - Consumers are now allowed to place a security freeze on their credit file to help prevent identity theft.
Effective January 1, 2008
Protecting Data - Businesses must develop, implement, and maintain reasonable safeguards to ensure the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the personal identifying information they keep. This includes properly disposing of the information.
Information on how to implement the new requirements can be found at
There are 40,000 new victims every day! Let's all do what we can to stop this fastest-growing crime.
Provided by:
Julie Jessen
Career Industry Virtual Assistant
A1 Secretarial Service
Legal Services Associate